Notion vs. Evernote vs. Obsidian: A Comprehensive Comparison

November 7, 2023
4 minutes read

Three prominent tools, Notion, Evernote, and Obsidian, have risen to prominence in realm of note-taking and knowledge management, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses.

In this article, we'll delve into a comprehensive comparison of these note-taking applications.

Notion: The Swiss Army Knife of Note-Taking


  1. Versatility: Notion stands out for its adaptability, serving as a task manager, knowledge base, project management tool, and more. It excels at structuring and organizing information.

  2. Customizability: Notion's flexibility in designing databases, tables, and templates allows users to tailor their workspace to their unique needs.

  3. Collaboration: Collaborative features make it an excellent choice for teams. Notion makes it easy to share workspaces, enhancing group productivity.

  4. Speech-to-Notion Integration: Tools like Voxio complement Notion perfectly, allowing for seamless speech-to-text integration to enhance note-taking.


  1. Learning Curve: The flexibility of Notion can be daunting for newcomers, resulting in a steep learning curve.

  2. Performance: Some users may find Notion slow to load, particularly when handling complex databases.

Ideal for:

Teams, project managers, and users seeking a versatile and highly customizable workspace.

Evernote: The Note-Taking Pioneer


  1. User-Friendly: Evernote is renowned for its intuitive interface, making it accessible to users of all levels.

  2. Cross-Platform: It offers seamless synchronization across various devices, ensuring your notes are always at your fingertips.

  3. Search Functionality: Evernote's powerful search capabilities enable users to locate specific notes quickly.


  1. Lack of Customizability: While it excels in simplicity, Evernote may lack the flexibility needed for intricate information structuring.

  2. Limited Hierarchy: Evernote's organizational structure is relatively flat, making it less suitable for complex, hierarchical data.

  3. Pricing: The free plan has limitations, and the premium subscription can also be costly for some users.

Ideal for:

Users who prioritize a user-friendly interface and need seamless cross-platform access.

Obsidian: The Markdown-Powered Knowledge Base


  1. Markdown Support: Obsidian relies on Markdown formatting, making it a favorite among those who prefer plain text for note-taking.

  2. Interlinking: Obsidian excels in creating a web of interconnected notes, enhancing knowledge discovery.

  3. Customizability: Users can personalize their workspace using CSS to create a unique look and feel.

  4. Community Plugins: Obsidian's active community has developed a variety of plugins for extended functionality.


  1. Speech-to-Notion Integration: While Obsidian is a powerful note-taking tool, it does not offer direct speech-to-Notion integration, unlike Voxio.

  2. Pricing: The free plan has limitations, and the premium subscription can also be costly for some users. On the free plan user is not able to sync their workspaces across devices.

Ideal for:

Markdown enthusiasts, those who value interlinking, and users seeking to create a personalized knowledge base.


Choosing between Notion, Evernote, and Obsidian depends on your unique needs and preferences. Notion excels in versatility and collaboration, Evernote in user-friendliness and cross-platform accessibility, and Obsidian in its Markdown-powered knowledge base.

Ultimately, the right choice depends on your specific requirements and how well each application aligns with your note-taking and knowledge management style. Each of these tools has a place in the modern note-taking landscape, ensuring there's something for everyone in the pursuit of efficient and organized note-taking.

Thank you for reading, and be sure to check out the Voxio Blog for more articles on speech notes and Notion, or Voxio itself for more information about the Voxio app for AI-powered speech to text.