How to convert speech to Notion pages?

October 28, 2023
2 minutes read

There are several ways to create notes in Notion just from audio recordings, but most of them are tiring or need a lot of setup which makes us focus more on speech notes systems than on actual creating content.

Today, we are going to present you a comfortable, fast, and customizable solution, perfect for all Notion users - the Voxio App. Here is a quick guide on how to use Voxio to create your Notion speechnotes from any audio, automatically.

What is Voxio App?

Voxio is a mobile application integrated with Notion that enables an automatic conversion of audio recordings into structured, formatted notes. Users can record or upload audio and then transcribe and organize it based on custom layouts. These layouts define both the Notion workspace and the note's structure, such as summary, main points, followed-up questions, and more. With a single click, users can then export these tailored notes directly to their designated Notion database.

Below, we are presenting a basic flow of automatically converting speech to Notion with Voxio App.

1. Create your first layout

To convert speech to Notion pages, first, you need to create the Voxio layout. Layouts are kind of templates where users can customize what they want to see as a result of the converting audio.

Each one contains Notion workspace, a Notion database from it which is a destination of the speech note and a structure of the text blocks that the user wants the audio to be converted into. You have several text blocks to choose from like summary, main points, followed-up questions, a raw transcript, and more.

Once you got your first layout, you can go to the next step.

2. Record or upload audio

Move on to the main tab of the app - the record tab. There you can record or upload your recordings. And remember folks, this is not only your personal notes. You can record meetings, lectures or anything you want to have notes from.

After you're done with the audio, you can choose a layout you created earlier from the dropdown and convert the recording with a single click (well, it's a slide technically). If you aren't sure about the audio you recorded, you can just save it and decide if you want to convert it later.

3. Convert the audio

There are places where you can convert the audio from. One of them is the record tab mentioned earlier. There you can send the audio to Notion immediately after recording it. But let's say you forgot to create your desired layout. In that case, save the recording, create the layout and move on to the recordings tab. There you have all of the converted and not converted audio you captured. Choose the one you want to export to Notion, pick the created layout from the dropdown and simply slide to send it to Notion workspace.

After this quick process you have nicely formatted notes in your chosen Notion database based on your preferences.

Thank you for reading, and be sure to check out the Voxio Blog for more articles on speech notes and Notion, or Voxio itself for more information about the Voxio app for AI-powered speech to text.